The Importance of Consultation Before Hair Restoration Treatment

Tag Archives: hair loss treatment

The Importance of Consultation Before Hair Restoration Treatment

The decision to undergo a hair restoration procedure is the result of a personal journey. Whether you want to increase your self-confidence, present a more youthful image to the world or be more competitive in the job market, the motivation that begins your search for a hair restoration specialist is personal. This, however, is the critical stage. Most people have no experience in how to evaluate the practices and clinics with which they’re about to schedule a consultation. How do you know what to look for, or what questions to ask?

Dr. Marco Barusco – founder and Chief Medical Officer of Tempus Hair Restoration – is a tireless advocate of consumer education in his field. People seeking treatment who have little to no knowledge of best practices are vulnerable to poorly qualified, unethical practitioners who misdiagnose patients and/or perform an unnecessary procedure – or even the wrong type of procedure. For this reason, Dr. Barusco emphasizes the importance of consultation. Knowing how the surgeon should conduct the consultation – and knowing what questions to ask – are essential to finding the right surgeon to trust with your procedure.

Dr. Barusco’s informative YouTube video – “The Importance of Consultation” – is a comprehensive discussion of what you should expect during your hair loss consultation. Running at just over 24 minutes, this video covers every aspect in detail – complete with Dr. Barusco’s candid observations about how less-than-conscientious practitioners fail their patients. This article is based upon the video, which includes a link to a Hair Loss Consultation Checklist to print out and take with you to your consultation appointment.

Taking the approach that hair loss is a medical condition that should be treated by a physician, Dr. Barusco says the following:

“So what is important in a consultation? A medical consultation involves a few steps. Whether you go for diabetes, high blood pressure or thyroid disease, hair loss is a medical condition. It may not be considered a disease, although many of them are. The only one that’s not considered a disease is genetic hair loss – or angiogenetic alopecia as it’s known – which is the most common. But there are many other types of hair loss that are diseases. You may have one, but you won’t know if you go with someone who doesn’t take the steps and doesn’t understand hair loss. They’re going to miss it. So you need to go with someone who specializes in hair loss.”

Following are the categories of questions that Dr. Barusco asks during every consultation – as well as the process leading up to diagnosis. Whoever you consult, these are the areas that should be covered. But first, be sure that you will be talking to the surgeon who will be performing your procedure – not a salesperson or medical technician. If you’re told the doctor cannot or will not meet with you, leave – or don’t schedule the consultation in the first place. This is a red flag that should not be ignored!

Hair Loss History

Asking about when you started noticing your hair loss, which areas of your scalp were first affected, how the loss is progressing, etc., provide important information that can help the doctor start to form a complete picture of the cause and treatment options for your individual case. Even if you think a detail may be insignificant, mention it to the doctor.

Your Family History of Hair Loss

You should be asked if your immediate family members (including females) had/have hair loss, and if so, what kind. How did it start and progress over time? Says Dr. Barusco, “If your physician or provider is not asking these questions and you don’t know to volunteer this information, they’re not going to give you the correct diagnosis.”

Your Medical History

The doctor should ask for a detailed medical history. Such conditions as diabetes, heart or thyroid disease – and the medications you take for them – can affect or accelerate hair loss. For women, irregular or painful menstrual periods need to be noted. Says Dr. Barusco, “That information is important because it will help us see what kind of hair loss you have, and if any of these things are influencing your hair loss. If you don’t treat the source of that problem, you’re not going to get the best result from your treatment.”

Your Past and Current Medications

Some prescription medications can cause hair loss. “If I don’t ask you about them, you’ll assume it’s not important,” says Dr. Barusco. “But if I do, and you tell me, we’ll know it’s influencing your hair loss.”

Your Allergy History

Your doctor should ask if you are allergic to any medications or have had an allergic reaction to anesthesia. Dr. Barusco notes that the medications he prescribes are well-tolerated by most people, but some could have a rare reaction. Knowing if this has occurred is important in prescribing an alternative medication.

Your Surgical History

Your doctor should ask if you’ve had surgery of any type. Again, this can provide additional information about a medical condition that could be relevant to your hair loss, as well as your ability to tolerate anesthesia. Says Dr. Barusco, “If you tell me you almost passed away after anesthesia was administered and you had to be resuscitated, or you had terrible bleeding, this is important for me to know. As a surgeon, it will help me plan my surgery better. Again, you may not think to tell me if I don’t ask.”

A Timeline of Your Hair Loss

A good hair restoration physician should start creating a timeline of your hair loss based upon all of the previous information he/she has gathered from your answers. “I try to frame it in a timeline and try to associate that timeline to the various stages of hair loss with things that are important,” says Dr. Barusco. “For example, your hair loss started getting worse five years ago, and you had your thyroid disease for six years. Was that a factor in your hair loss? Did you start taking birth control pills, or a blood pressure medication prior to that period?

“I am a hair loss specialist, but I’m also a physician. I understand how your body works, and how that impacts hair loss. Unfortunately, from what I’ve seen, many people out there either don’t know, or they forgot what they learned in medical school. As a result, they’re not serving you as best as they could – and that’s wrong.”

Your Goals for Your Hair

Dr. Barusco has had patients who wanted hair on areas of the scalp that he considered secondary – that is, not as obvious as the hairline – yet that was the area on which the patient wanted to see hair growth. Learning what the patient wants is an important part of the consultation.

“However, patients need to be realistic. If you say you want the hair you had when you were 18, that will not be possible with a hair transplant. No one will be able to give you that unless you get a hair piece. But if I don’t tell you that – or worse, I lead you to believe that can happen – that’s wrong. If I don’t know what your goals are, I may make a recommendation that’s not appropriate.”

Examining Your Scalp

Just as your regular physician examines your body during a checkup, a good hair restoration specialist should examine your hair and scalp – which are also parts of your body. “If I’m just looking for hair loss and forget about everything else, I might miss clues that are hidden under the scalp or in other areas that may indicate an underlying condition that could be causing hair loss.”

Dr. Barusco first examines the scalp, looking for miniaturization of the hair follicles, redness and inflammation, swelling, dandruff and skin cancer. He then examines the hair. Is it coming out of the scalp very easily? Is the hair breaking? Are there patchy bald areas? If your consultation is in-office, the doctor should also have such tools as a magnification camera.

“I have patients who come to me and say that the other doctor they saw for a consultation never touched their hair. ‘They just saw me across the table and made a recommendation for a transplant, and I left the office.’ That’s not right.”

Online consultations can be conducted in a thorough manner that provides the information the doctor needs. Dr. Barusco has been conducting online consultations for many years – even before COVID-19 made them a necessity throughout every field of medical practice. During an online consultation, Dr. Barusco instructs the patient to take pictures of his/her scalp with a smartphone. This can be done by the patient, or with assistance from another person in the room. If he isn’t sure about an area of the scalp based upon the photos, Dr. Barusco will ask the patient to schedule an in-office consultation.

Examining Other Areas, Complementary Tests and Consulting Other Specialists

Dr. Barusco will perform a basic medical examination, which includes listening to the heart and palpitating the thyroid area. He will talk further with the patient about any issues that may have been brought up during the medical history portion of the consultation. As a licensed physician, he is qualified to do so. This is intended to further rule out or identify any underlying medical condition that could be causing hair loss, or better inform Dr. Barusco about which course treatment should take.

If necessary, Dr. Barusco will refer a patient to the appropriate specialist. He will also order a scalp biopsy and blood work to look for underlying conditions. In the case of patients who have a history of heart disease or another condition that could place them at risk during hair transplant surgery, Dr. Barusco may ask for a medical clearance In the case of patients who have a history of heart disease or another condition that could place them at risk during hair transplant surgery, Dr. Barusco may ask for a medical clearance Although hair transplants are generally safe, some fatalities have occurred (not among Dr. Barusco’s patients).  Although hair transplants are generally safe, some fatalities have occurred (not among Dr. Barusco’s patients).

“The procedure is not as simple as many people assume. It is the obligation of us – the physicians treating you – to look after your safety.”

Arrive at a Diagnosis of Your Hair Loss

Only after Dr. Barusco has all the information he needs, he arrives at a diagnosis, or a tentative diagnosis. Although not generally known, people can have more than one type of hair loss. For this reason, Dr. Barusco may have two or three ideas of the cause – which is known as a differential diagnosis.

Review Your Goals and Discuss Expectations

Once the diagnosis is given, your doctor should again review your hair restoration goals and discuss expectations – which should be realistic. Dr. Barusco tells patients what they can expect from treatment based upon his diagnosis. Being honest is the only way to build trust – which is why Dr. Barusco has treated family members of his patients.

“They know I’m going to give them the best advice, regardless of money. That’s what you need to expect from a professional, and that’s what I don’t see happening very much right now. It pains me to see it, because I see people getting hurt all the time by misdiagnosis and procedures that were too aggressive – procedures they never needed, and a lack of counseling on their hair loss.”

A plan to prevent future hair loss also needs to be part of this discussion. “You have to prevent hair loss. That’s as much or more important than any transplant – to save the hair you have so you don’t continue to lose hair – or at least slow down the loss. If you have a hair consultation without any kind of discussion on hair loss prevention, you need to run away from the place and never come back.”

Discuss a Treatment Plan with You

Finally, your doctor should discuss a treatment plan that is right for your individual situation. Areas to be covered should include the type of surgery, why this type of surgery is recommended, which areas of the scalp will be involved, how the surgery will be performed and the results you can expect. Medications that will be prescribed should also be covered – including possible side effects and the number of times a day you’ll take them.

After that, it is up to the patient to decide whether to proceed. Dr. Barusco does not pressure people to make a decision during the consultation. Any hard-sell at this point is another red flag you should heed.

“You will leave the consultation with all the information that you need, including prescriptions and the estimate for the cost of the procedure. A follow-up schedule is also very important, because surgery, medications and the course of future hair loss has to be followed up. I never see a patient only once.”

If Procedures are Recommended, Ask Questions

Educating consumers about hair restoration best practices and ethics is Dr. Barusco’s mission. Dr. Barusco is a Fellow of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) – the world’s leading medical authority on hair loss treatment and restoration. This is a distinction that is only given to those who achieve certain landmarks on teaching and leadership. Currently, fewer than 10% of the ISHRS members are Fellows.

“If someone recommends a procedure to you – be it a hair transplant, PRP, etc., ask questions! Do not take it at face value. Ask about how much donor hair will be used. Who will actually be performing the surgery? Technicians are not legally allowed to perform surgery, but they do in too many practices. Ask about the experience of the doctor. If you’re not seeing the doctor at that point in the consultation, I don’t think you should even be in the same room.”

Knowledge is Power – Learn All You Can and Choose Your Surgeon Wisely

Continuing his commitment to consumer education, Dr. Barusco posts videos to his YouTube channel on a regular basis. Our website’s FAQ page also provides a link to Dr. Barusco’s channel, and direct links to his videos that answer common questions about hair loss and hair loss treatment. Each video is essential viewing for anyone who is considering hair restoration treatment.

Ultimately, choose your surgeon based on experience, results and integrity. Dr. Barusco’s long list of accomplishments, his notable artistic ability and his successful surgical team make Tempus Hair Restoration a renowned practice. Contact us to schedule your free virtual consultation. Dr. Barusco conducts every consultation himself, giving you the opportunity to learn your options in the comfort of your home – or any location, on any internet-enabled device. 

Dr. Barusco conducts consultations in English, Spanish and Portuguese. For your greater convenience, Tempus Hair Restoration offers a two-night complimentary hotel stay to out-of-town clients who travel 100 miles or more to our Port Orange, Florida, surgical center. No matter how far the distance, we welcome the opportunity to help you on your hair restoration journey!

Early Signs of Hair Loss – What Hairstylists Can Look For

Hairstylists serve many roles in their client relationships. From style expert to confidant, you are the one your clients trust to make them look and feel their best. You also are the professional who can first detect early signs of hair loss in your long-term clients. In some cases, the client notices such symptoms as decreasing hair volume and turns to you for confirmation that they aren’t just “imagining things” – as well as advice on the next step to take. On other occasions, you may notice thinning or patchy areas of the scalp before your client does.

In either case, knowing how to talk to your clients about this initial stage of hair loss and how to advise them to seek an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment gives you greater value as a beauty industry professional. Obviously, if you can alert a client about his or her hair loss in a timely manner and provide a knowledgeable referral to the right medical professional, you will keep that client longer! In addition, you will enhance your own reputation as a leading hairstylist who provides a higher level of service.

What amount of hair loss is normal?

According to Mayo Clinic, people typically lose about 100 hairs a day. As Salon Today notes, this amount doesn’t cause noticeable thinning because new hair is growing in at the same time. Hair loss occurs when the cycle of hair growth and shedding is disrupted or when the hair follicle is destroyed and replaced with scar tissue.

Knowing what to look for and providing the right advice

Dr. Marco Barusco – Founder and Chief Medical Officer of Tempus Hair Restoration – conducts a class on this important topic during the annual Premiere Orlando International Beauty Event. Although canceled this year due to COVID-19, this major industry show is scheduled to return to the Orange County Convention Center in October 2021.

This class is one way in which Dr. Barusco expresses his strong commitment to sharing his knowledge. In 2014, he was invited to be a part of the University of Central Florida College of Medicine faculty as Assistant Professor of Surgery. He also serves as a mentor for research projects in the areas of wound healing and surgery. Additionally, Dr. Barusco has written chapters in the most authoritative textbooks in the hair transplantation discipline. Some chapter examples include a description of the No-Shave FUE procedure developed by Dr. Barusco, and a description of the Tempus Crown-Hatching technique, which is used to improve coverage of the crown area of the scalp.

Dr. Barusco’s other credentials include the following:

As a generous authority in medicine and hair restoration, Dr. Barusco enthusiastically conducts his annual classes held exclusively for hairstylists. He knows that you are often your clients’ first defense in the battle against hair loss, and wants you to have the knowledge to help them prevent further loss. Dr. Barusco has provided the following text, taken from his class lessons.

Lessons from Dr. Barusco’s acclaimed class

“Stylists see hair loss all the time, multiple times a day, in both men and women. Unfortunately, not all of them are prepared to give their clients the correct advice, and often a patient will delay treatment for their hair loss because their hairstylist did not discuss it with them and/or did not refer them for medical treatment early enough.

“Many times, hair loss is present in areas of the scalp that are not accessible to the patient, such as the crown area and the back of the head, so clients sometimes don’t even know that they have an issue. Hairstylists are in a good position to detect potential hair problems and advise their clients, but in order to do it, they need to have the knowledge and be always on the lookout for problem areas.

“Hair loss can take many forms, and not all hair loss is genetic or “stress-related.” Many times a client’s hair loss can be triggered by medications, hormonal imbalances, anemia, thyroid disease, and other health issues that, unless treated, will continue to affect their hair.

Many of these health conditions are insidious and will not necessarily cause symptoms, so it is important to advise a client to look for a doctor with experience in hair loss so that these factors can be adequately investigated and treated. “Patchy” hair loss is easier to spot, and they can mean more serious problems, so if noticed, a referral to a specialist like us is paramount. Symptoms like itching, burning, and pain in the scalp are all red flags of inflammation, which can cause hair loss as well.

 “The bottom line is: any new onset hair loss (increased shedding, areas of thinning, patches of hair loss, irritated scalp, etc.) should be referred to a doctor for investigation, and not simply treated with the products that are sold at the salon. By working in conjunction with us, clients will have better hair for longer and will be happy that the stylist knew and cared enough to refer them. Worst case scenario, the client will have a simple type of hair loss and will benefit from treatment, along with their hairstylist’s advice on how to better make use of their hair.”

Open communication is key

Fortunately, most people feel comfortable talking with their hairstylist. If you are the one who notices early signs of hair loss, you can start the conversation by asking if the client has seen any changes in their hair recently. If the client brings the subject up, acknowledge that you see the change, as well, and take it from there. Losing hair is unsettling and frightening to most people, as so much of our self-esteem is based upon maintaining a certain image of ourselves. Having the support and informed advice of a trusted professional can make a significant difference in the progression of hair loss – and, in turn, the emotional well-being of your clients who face this challenge.

Make your referrals wisely

With Dr. Barusco’s extensive experience in medicine and hair restoration, you can be assured that your clients will receive an accurate diagnosis and the best treatment plan for their individual situation. In addition to his innovative surgical techniques, Dr. Barusco is a leader in such non-surgical treatments as subcutaneous adipose (fat) tissue, and growth factors therapy – which permits earlier intervention with a positive outcome, as stronger hair returns in the areas that are thinning, improving volume and scalp coverage.

We make it easy for your clients to contact us to schedule a free virtual consultation. Dr. Barusco conducts every consultation himself, giving your clients the opportunity to learn their options in the comfort of their home – or any location, on any internet-enabled device. Dr. Barusco conducts consultations in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

As we are always interested in building professional relationships, we invite you to reach out if you see the value in referring your clients to us for their hair restoration journey. We look forward to learning about you and your goals!

What to Look for in a Hair Transplant Surgeon

You may be surprised to learn that the field of surgical hair restoration is not regulated by either the United States government or the medical community. According to the American Hair Loss Association, any licensed physician can legally perform hair transplant surgery without any prior surgical training or accreditation of any kind. While this is true for any medical specialty (theoretically, any licensed physician may do any medical procedure they want), you won’t see a physician trained in plastic surgery performing a hernia operation. They reason why is that most physicians know their limitations and train extensively before they feel that they are proficient in a given procedure.

However, hair transplantation is pitched to physicians by device manufacturers in the United States and abroad as a simple procedure that does not need to be performed by a physician. Instead, it may be done by trained “technicians.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Hair transplantation is a complex procedure that requires a trained physician and a trained team in order to be successful. Otherwise, horror stories occur. And these have become more common in the last few years.

Under these circumstances, the typical advice of “do your research” is all the more important and challenging for those considering a hair transplant. Even minimally invasive hair restoration procedures are actually surgery requiring medical expertise. Unlike buying a car, most people don’t have experience when deciding who to trust with performing hair transplant surgery. Because we at Tempus Hair Restoration recognize that knowledge is power, a well-informed consumer is one who will ultimately be the best-satisfied with the results. Toward this goal, we offer the qualities to look for, as well as warning signs of who to avoid.

The first area to navigate is finding reliable sources of information. As WebMD acknowledges, “Social media, radio, television, and traditional print media market to the vulnerable hair loss consumer a more risk-free, guaranteed product as opposed to the highly specialized cosmetic surgical procedure it is.” With today’s emphasis on convenience and instant gratification, such pitches have great appeal to people who want a full head of hair in the least amount of time and at the cheapest price. Patients have been lured into going out of the U.S. to have their procedures done. Any marketing that makes it seem everyone will get the same results – despite the required disclaimer that results are not typical – does not have education as its goal.

One excellent starting point is the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) – a global non-profit medical association and the leading authority on hair loss treatment and restoration. With more than 1,000 members throughout 70 countries, the ISHRS is dedicated to promoting the highest standards of medical practice, medical ethics and research in the medical hair restoration industry.

Dr. Marco Barusco – Founder and Chief Medical Officer of Tempus Hair Restoration – is a Fellow of the ISHRS. This is a distinction that is only given to those who achieve certain landmarks on teaching and leadership. Currently, fewer than 10% of the ISHRS members are Fellows. In addition, Dr. Barusco is an active leader in the ISHRS, with various committees participations, lectures ministered and surgeries performed in the ISHRS’ workshops and congresses.

The ISHRS website is written in consumer-friendly language, easily accessible to those seeking objective information. A section specifically for patients consists of the following:

So, whose advice should you trust in finding a hair transplant surgeon?

You may be surprised to learn that the American Hair Loss Association recommends avoiding referrals for a hair restoration surgeon from your dermatologist or family practitioner.

“While your family doctor or dermatologist might mean well, the fact is that most physicians in this country know very little about the scope and pitfalls of this demanding cosmetic procedure. Unless your doctor has personal experience with the hair transplant physician he [or she] is recommending, our advice would be to say thanks, but no thanks.”

This is good advice. If you ask your dermatologist or primary care doctor for a referral to a hair transplant surgeon, make sure you ask if they know the work of the doctor they are recommending. This is very important. Dr. Barusco receives numerous patients who have been referred by other physicians of many specialties. Many of these doctors are actual patients of Dr. Barusco, so they know first-hand the quality of his work.

Finding a surgeon

Again, choosing a hair transplant surgeon based solely upon the amount of advertising the doctor or practice does is no guarantee of good results. The ISHRS provides a Find a Doctor list, which is maintained and updated with the name, location, contact information and link to the ISHRS member page of each member.

In conducting research on individual surgeons, the ISHRS recommends learning about the surgeon’s training, credentials and experience in the field of hair restoration. This is important, as a plastic surgeon may perform great liposuctions and facelifts and be an authority on these procedures, but no experience in hair restoration surgery. Be certain the surgeon will give you the names and contact information of patients you can talk to, as well as show you several before-and-after photos to ensure you like the aesthetic quality of their work.

Questions you should ask a hair restoration surgeon

Our July 8, 2019 blog post – “Undoing the Damage of a Bad Hair Transplant” – includes the following questions:

  • Who will evaluate my hair loss and recommend a course of treatment? What is their education, training, licensure, and experience in treating hair loss? Only physicians, Physician’s Assistants and Nurse Practitioners are legally allowed to diagnose a patient and to recommend medical treatments. Otherwise, the person recommending procedures and/or treatments is practicing medicine without a license, a Felony crime in Florida and many states.
  • Who will be involved in performing my surgery, what role will they play, and what is their education, training, licensure, and experience performing hair restoration surgery?
  • Will anyone not allowed by the State Medical Board be making incisions or harvesting grafts during my surgery? If so, please identify this person, explain their specific role and why they are legally permitted to perform it.
  • Is everyone involved in my surgery covered by malpractice insurance?

Once you are at the consultation, make sure all of your questions are answered to your satisfaction and demand to see a physician. If the surgeon who would be performing the procedure isn’t in the office at the time of your consultation appointment, leave. At Tempus Hair Restoration, every prospective patient meets with Dr. Barusco – whether the consultation is in-office, or by video conference. The consultation is the time during which you should make sure you have a clear understanding of what can be accomplished for your unique situation.

The in-office consultation is also the time when you should take note of how the office is run. Is the office staff helpful, considerate and willing to answer questions about billing, insurance, etc.? Is the office or clinic neat and clean?

One very important point we always emphasize is that you should never feel pressured to make a decision before you’re ready. Ethical practices do not use high-pressure tactics to have you sign a contract. You should feel comfortable taking all the time you need.

What to avoid

As we noted earlier, mass-market hair clinics that advertise heavily can mislead those unfamiliar with ethical practices and safe surgical procedures. In particular, the widespread use of robotic and power-assisted devices places patients at risk of disastrous outcomes – especially when they’re used by technicians to perform procedures. As the ISHRS website notes:

“Only a doctor has been trained to maintain high patient safety standards, care for unexpected medical problems, has medical board oversight, and has taken an actual oath to keep your best interest in mind while you’re in his or her care. If your doctor allows technicians to do surgery for them, they are neglecting their oath, and you should shop elsewhere!”

We also invite you to read Dr. Barusco’s insightful post about the risks of robot-assisted hair transplant surgery. Dr. Barusco relates his experience with an ever-increasing number of patients seeking help whose initial procedure was botched – sometimes irreversibly – by unqualified personnel using such devices.

“Over the years, it would be fair to say that I’ve developed a unique perspective on these machines. I closely follow their development and release in our industry. First, they were aimed to experienced, competent hair restoration surgeons. Then, since many of us did not see the advantages of having them, the number of machines sold was too small to sustain business and profit, and they started advertising to cosmetic surgeons, plastic surgeons, family practitioners and others who had no training and no experience in hair restoration surgery. These doctors are pitched a quick-profit procedure that they really do not have to understand, since one company supplies the technicians to do all of the work, and the other will train them on how to operate the robot and its software—as if this did not require good cosmetic sense and a deep understanding of hair loss and hair restoration. The result? Many unhappy patients.”

The next step of your hair restoration journey

Many people – especially men – typically don’t want to talk about the emotional toll that hair loss takes. Yet this is an important factor in choosing a hair restoration surgeon. Combined with a lack of solid, objective information, making a quick decision based upon emotions can leave you vulnerable to results ranging from unsatisfactory to disastrous.

Ultimately, choose your surgeon based on experience, results and integrity. Dr. Barusco’s long list of accomplishments, his notable artistic ability and his successful surgical team make Tempus Hair Restoration a renowned practice.

Dr. Barusco also conducts virtual consultations for those who can’t travel to one of our 16 Florida locations, and our office will arrange travel and accommodations for out-of-area patients for their procedures. We invite you to learn more about our procedures, then contact us to schedule your free consultation with Dr. Barusco. We look forward to meeting you and discussing your options.


Choosing an Experienced Surgeon for Hair Trauma Cases

Last week Dr. Barusco was honored to help treat a 12-year-old patient with a large scalp injury. It was a very challenging case but with his experience coupled with the expertise shown by Tempus Hair Restoration’s surgical team, they were able to help the process for the patient and his parents go as best as possible.

Dr. Barusco is not just a hair restoration specialist. As a board certified surgeon, he has a strong background in performing complicated procedures that hide scars and other injuries such as this one performed last week. Dr. B also understands the impact of past trauma and applies the utmost caution and care to your treatment. When there is traumatic hair loss, it’s important to find the most skilled surgeon because there may not be much hair to work with. Preserving every strand is so important.

Staying up-to-date with the latest industry news and breakthroughs that could influence treatment for hair loss due to head trauma, Dr. Barusco personally performs every procedure himself. He gives his undivided attention and does not treat multiple patients at a time. Additionally, he is supported by his surgical team that has been working together for over 12 years!

Being the only practice in Florida to offer consultations in English, Spanish and Portuguese, Tempus Hair Restoration has become known internationally. Dr. Barusco is a Diplomate of the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery and a respected educator who has been invited to lecture all over the world. Dr. Barusco has even trained many other successful hair transplant surgeons over the years in the art of delivering natural results. Some hair transplant doctors and their staff in the Central Florida area are even patients of Dr. Barusco.

If you or someone you know has had a head trauma that has affected the growth of hair, please send them for a complimentary consultation with Dr. Barusco today.

American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery Awards Dr. Barusco

When you look up the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery online and select the “About Us” tab the first thing that pops up is “Commitment to Hair Restoration Excellence and Safety”. Tempus Hair Restoration is proud to not only be members of this great organization but our very own Dr. Marco Barusco was recently rewarded with a beautiful crystal plaque from the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery. He is finishing up his year as their President. “It was been a great honor to have been entrusted with this responsibility. Me and my team are looking forward to continuing to be involved with this great institution,” said Dr. Barusco.

(1) The need for the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS) first surfaced in June 1995 at a Hair Replacement Surgery Seminar in Chicago. A group of speakers began discussing the need for a certifying board in hair replacement surgery. The discussion during the subsequent twelve months became more resolute as the press began to focus on hair replacement surgery, due to the many sensational stories on television and in print. In 1996, the American Hair Loss Council (AHLC) invited all of the specialty groups whose physicians performed hair restoration surgery to participate in a meeting to discuss the development of a Board Certification process for hair restoration surgery. The presidents of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, and the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery were each invited to send three representatives to a meeting to discuss the development of a certification process.

Now with multiple examinations administered, the ABHRS exam stands as the ONLY psychometrically and statistically validated examination dedicated to the specialty of hair restoration surgery.

We recommend that when choosing your surgeon for your hair replacement procedures that you see if they are involved with the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery.

Source: (1)

Losing Confidence Over Hair Loss?

Are you noticing more hair than usual on your brush or seeing strands all over your clothes and furniture? Shedding 50 to 100 hairs a day is common and usually unnoticeable but if you feel hair loss is becoming part of your life it may be time to schedule an appointment with Dr. Barusco with Tempus Hair Restoration.

Hair loss generally occurs due to heredity, changes in hormones, medical conditions and some types of medication. Stress can also be a huge factor in hair loss. The most common reason is a family history which is called male/female-pattern baldness. The loss usually happens gradually and in patterns that are predictable. Heredity also affects the age at which you begin to loss hair. Men typically begin as early as puberty and women notice more loss in the later years when there are hormonal changes occurring. Alopecia areata, scalp infections, skin disorders, emotional distress and hair treatments can also cause hair loss.

Most people desire beautiful hair throughout all phases of life. Many feel a lack of confidence when hair loss occurs. Know that there are many natural options as well as medical therapy and restoration procedures now available for men and women of all ages and backgrounds.

We recently came across an interesting article from The Times of India that suggests the following natural tips to prevent hair loss. Have you ever tried any of them and seen results?

As always, Dr. Barusco offers a complimentary consultation at one of his 12 locations statewide. During the hour consultation he will be able to diagnose your needs and make the proper suggestions for treatment!

1. Hot oil massage
Heat some oil (preferably coconut oil or almond oil) and slowly massage your scalp using your fingertips. It increases flow of the blood to the hair follicles, enhances the strength of the roots of your hair and conditions your scalp.

2. Onion juice
Due to its high sulfur content, onion juice helps treat hair loss and enhance the circulation of blood to the hair follicles, revive hair follicles and reduce inflammation. The presence of anti-bacterial properties in onion juice helps kill the germs that cause scalp infection which may lead to hair loss.

3. Beetroot juice
This is one example of the saying ‘Solution to almost all body related problems can be found in the kitchen’. Beetroot helps you to complete your nutritional deficiency that causes the hair fall. So include it in your diet and fight this evil problem.

4. Green tea
Green tea revitalizes hair follicles and stimulates hair production. It also enhances your metabolism which ultimately leads to increased rate of hair growth. Just condition your hair with green tea solution and notice the change!

5. Meditate
Stress! This 6 letter word is the root cause of a lot of problems that come our way. One of the major problems is hair loss! Include meditation in your daily routine and get rid of this irritant.

6. Indian Gooseberry (Amla)
What’s better to treat hair related issues than Amla? One of the major reasons for hair loss is the deficiency of Vitamin C and Amla being a rich source of it, there’s no better way to replenish it back in our system!

7. Natural hair mask
Hair masks are a mix of various ingredients good for hair but they need not always be chemical based! Make hair masks at home using natural ingredients such as banana, coconut oil, olive oil and honey and control hair loss to a great level!

8. Neem Leaves
Neem, known for its medicinal properties is an effective herb to treat hair loss. Boil and grind neem leaves to a paste and apply it to your scalp after shampooing your hair. Wash it off after 30 minutes. Repeat the process twice in a week and notice the change!

9. Aloe vera
Aloe vera contains enzymes that directly promote healthy hair growth. Applying Aloe vera juice or gel on your scalp along with having one teaspoon of aloe vera on an empty stomach can induce healthy hair growth.

10. Egg white and curd paste
It may sound the grossest trick out of the lot, but egg white and curd are known to be preventers of hair loss. Take egg white of two eggs in a bowl and add two tablespoons of fresh curd or yoghurt to the egg white. You can mix this with neem powder and apply.

What Happens at The Consultation with Dr. Barusco

From the initial consult to post-treatment follow-up, nobody can match our personalized approach and attention to detail. From the first phone call to Tempus Hair Restoration you will be greeted warmly by our amazing administrator, Jessica or one of our longtime employees. Most employees have worked with Dr. Barusco for over 10 years! After identifying what location is closest to you (we have 12 statewide), we will set up your one-on-one complimentary consultation with Dr. Barusco, a.k.a. “Dr. B”. This usually takes 45 minutes to an hour depending on your questions. Due to our surgery schedule some appointments will be done via Skype. Rest assured that Dr. B has an experienced keen eye for viewing the donor area and easily identifies what procedure would be best for you.

During the consult you will meet with one of our passionate Patient Educators who will go over anatomy of hair follicles, practices of the past, genetic male/female pattern baldness and each of the various procedures and medical therapy options that Dr. B performs or prescribes.

Then Dr. B will join you and look closely at your hair. He will discuss your medical history and go over your genetics. He offers his recommendations based on your desires, your age, facial structure and what he feels will give you the best outcome! In some cases, he will prescribe medications that may help with hair loss.

The Patient Educator will then will review what your investment/payment plan options are to gain the natural results you may desire. Dr. B performs one procedure a day so our schedule books up quickly. We will go over available dates with you then. We will follow up with you as you desire from there! Painless appointment with tons of great education on hair restoration options!

Book yours today! It’s worth an hour to learn more! And then of course from there, we would love you to send others our way. Educating our patients on the most cutting-edge options that are best for them is one of our practice priorities.

Expanding Our Practice Once Again…

We are excited to welcome Alex Beara as our newest Patient Educator.

Alex has a Bachelors of Science in Operations Management and Management Information Systems from the University of Massachusetts, Darmouth.

He enjoys the science behind educating and creating value on someone’s life, and for the past two years he has been a coach and an educator so this is a natural transition. “Dr. Barusco’s charisma and the team’s level of commitment and expertise to provide the best value to the customer is obvious. It’s a team you immediately want to be part of,” stated Alex.

Alex was born in Massachusetts but grew up in Alphaville County near the city of Sao Paulo, in Sao Paulo Brazil until he was 17 years old. At 17 Beara moved back to the United States. He moved to Florida about a year ago. He speaks fluent Portuguese and English.

The team at Tempus Hair Restoration is excited to welcome Alex to our growing practice! He can be contacted at 321-279-5256 or [email protected].

Dr. Barusco Internationally Known Contributor

Dr. Barusco accepted an invitation from the editors of “Plastic and Aesthetic Research” – a major peer-reviewed journal – to put together and edit a special issue on hair transplantation, to be released in March of 2018. He is very honored to have been invited by such a prestigious publication.

Over the years, Dr. Barusco has been invited to write multiple chapters in the most important reference textbooks in hair transplantation worldwide. Some chapter examples include a description of the Tempus No-Shave FUE procedure and a description of the Tempus Crown-Hatching technique, which is used to improve coverage of the crown area of the scalp.

The AJCS is the official scientific publication of the AACS. It is a peer-reviewed journal with original and review articles in Cosmetic Surgery. As Section Editor, Dr. Barusco is responsible for recommending and reviewing articles submitted for publication.

Dr. Barusco is an internationally known contributor and you can learn more about his credentials and writings by visiting our “About Dr. Barusco” page.

Supporting the ISHRS for the protection of patients.

Stand Proud, Be Loud. Support surgeons – not techs – performing hair restoration surgery.
Source: International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)

An increasing number of unlicensed personnel worldwide are performing substantial medical aspects of hair restoration surgery and, in doing so, are putting patients at risk. ISHRS is committed to the highest standards of medical practice, and to educating consumers about this unlawful practice. The ISHRS encourages consumers to follow due diligence when researching a hair restoration surgeon.

Help us to protect our industry by signing this petition today!

ISHRS Position Statement on Qualifications for Scalp Surgery
The position of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery is that any procedure involving a skin incision for the purpose of tissue removal from the scalp or body, or to prepare the scalp or body to receive tissue, (e.g., incising the FUE graft, excising the donor strip, creating recipient sites) by any means, including robotics, is a surgical procedure. Such procedures must be performed by a properly trained and licensed physician (or in countries where it is allowed, a licensed allied health professional practicing within the scope of his or her license).