Does Hair Loss Hurt Your Career?

Tag Archives: surgical hair restoration

Does Hair Loss Hurt Your Career?

Like it or not, appearances count in our society. While we may believe that people should be judged by their merits, abilities and character, such isn’t always the case. In particular, men who are in the job market – or interested in career advancement – and experiencing hair loss could be wondering if their male pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia) is harming their chances. While there is no single answer that applies to all, this is a legitimate question that’s being asked more frequently in today’s highly competitive environment.

Not very long ago, only men in the entertainment industry had to be concerned about hair loss affecting their career. Our blog post – “Celebrities and Hair Loss – When Image Really Counts” – discussed two patients of Dr. Marco Barusco: Jimmy “The Mouth of the South” Hart and Brazilian actor Humberto Martins. Hart’s career path led from musician to professional wrestling superstardom. Still involved in the wrestling and entertainment worlds, Hart believed that his gradual hair loss was eroding his youthful image – and in turn, his ability to connect with his fans. In the case of Martins, the dashing leading man noticed the roles he was being offered were for older characters.

Now, however, men in professional-level jobs are anxious about hair loss. This can be attributed to the often unspoken concerns regarding age discrimination in the workplace. According to Hiscock’s 2019 Ageism in the Workplace Study, more men than women feel that their advancing age has adversely impacted their careers – with 43% of men surveyed believing their age has prevented them from finding a new job.

Surveys reveal widespread anxiety about hair loss and job marketability

The job search website Ladders reports a survey conducted by Dove Men+Care which found that of the 2,000 men who participated, the majority tied their work identities to their hair. The article reports the following results and observations.

“In the hair census, 8 in 10 men said that their hair made them look professional, the look of it was important, and that their hair helps them feel confident. Perhaps the majority of these men are preoccupied with their hair because they recognize what science has found: that societies judge men on how much hair they have on their heads.”

The Ladders article also notes the following:

“A study in JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery found that a few more hair follicles can make all the difference between people seeing you as a success or a lost cause. The Johns Hopkins University researchers recruited participants to compare photos of men before and after they got a hair transplant. Although they were looking at the same men, participants rated men after they got their hair transplants as more attractive, approachable, and successful.”

While Americans are known for being focused on self-image, the anxiety that balding men face regarding discrimination while job hunting is international. As Joe O’Shea reports in the Irish Independent, the reasons why men feel compelled to take action on hair loss have changed in recent years. Where once the main motivation may have been in conforming to an ideal of attractiveness, professionals in the hair restoration field say their clients now talk about wanting to look young and vital in an increasingly competitive job market.

“We do have guys that come to us that feel that going thin on top is going to count against them in their careers,” says Jessica Kidd of JK Hair Replacement, a Dublin practice specializing in non-surgical hair replacement treatments and hair systems. “They worry that people will make negative judgements in a job interview, or how they are seen in the company they work for.”

According to Thomas Cash, emeritus professor of psychology and author of The Body Image Workbook, societal bias against men experiencing hair loss is real. In a study that looked at bias, Cash showed people photographs of bald or balding men – as well as men with a full head of hair – asking them to rate the men for qualities such as self-assertiveness, social attractiveness, intelligence, life-success, personal likability, physical attractiveness and perceived age. He found that “… the bald or balding models were perceived more negatively on every dimension except intelligence.”

As for the matter of age perception, Cash’s study found that when people were shown photographs of bald men and asked to estimate their age, they added an average of three years and nine months to the men’s actual age. Men with a full head of hair had an average of two years and five months taken off.

Be proactive, but be smart

Considering the aging effect that hair loss has on one’s appearance, an increasing number of men are more proactive in seeking treatment during the early stages, which typically begins after age 20, but can occur sooner – even during adolescence. Unlike previous generations, today’s young men are less willing to accept hair loss as inevitable.

This has perhaps led to the rise of online subscription hair restoration companies, which prescribe and sell prescription medications to treat hair loss. While patients may like the convenience such services offer, a brief online consultation with a doctor chosen by the company or simply diagnosing their own type of hair loss to receive home delivery of medication carries risks. It is a little-known fact that there is no single federal or state agency in charge of overseeing online prescription drug services.

As reported by Natasha Singer and Katie Thomas in their article for The New York Times Drug Sites Upend Doctor-Patient Relations: ‘It’s Restaurant-Menu Medicine’ – “The sites invert the usual practice of medicine by turning the act of prescribing drugs into a service. Instead of doctors making diagnoses and then suggesting treatments, patients request drugs and physicians serve largely as gatekeepers.”

Online subscription companies treat healthcare like any commodity that can be ordered and shipped. For treatment in any branch of medicine to truly be successful, a doctor-patient relationship based on trust, accountability, mutual respect and transparency is essential. The bottom line: make sure you’re not trading your health for convenience in stopping the advancement of hair loss.

Surgical hair replacement procedures for those who take the next step

Just as in other fields of medical science, advancements are constantly being made in hair transplantation surgical procedures. Tempus Hair Restoration offers advanced procedures that provide options to achieve the most aesthetically pleasing, natural-appearing results. Our surgical treatments include the following.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) – Typically done as a shaved procedure (where the donor area is shaven), Dr. Barusco created an improved technique known as the “No-Shave FUE.” This technique allows patients to have the benefits of an FUE procedure without having the downtime of waiting for the hairs of the donor site to grow in. Advantages include complete concealment of harvested donor sites immediately, and a quicker return to normal activities, as no suture removal is required.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) – This is commonly known as the “strip” method of hair transplantation. In this procedure, hair is removed from the donor area of the scalp by removing a strip of skin and hair before the area is then stitched up. Advances in the closure methods and the healing of the donor incision results in a small, thin linear scar that is easily concealed without having to grow the hair very long.

Word of warning: sensationalist marketing material from doctors wanting to promote the FUE method usually depicts a large linear scar on the back of an individual’s head next to another picture of an individual where the scar is not visible. These types of advertisements have been produced to scare patients away from FUT surgery so they only consider the FUE procedure. However, the FUE technique does not work for every patient. For a variety of factors, you may be a better candidate for the strip surgery.

Combined FUE and FUT procedure This technique covers large areas of baldness in a single surgery. Patients with advanced hair loss are typically required to undergo multiple hair transplant procedures to obtain coverage of their entire bald scalp – having to wait one year or more between procedures.

Tempus Hair Restoration offers a safe, tested hair transplant surgery solution for patients with advanced hair loss: a combined procedure in which – by using both FUE and FUT techniques – we are able to move a large amount of hairs in one procedure, covering large bald areas at one time. This allows patients to achieve their ultimate goal sooner, with one procedure versus many. But be aware that this is an advanced procedure and should be performed only by doctors and teams with a great amount of experience. For this reason, selecting the right doctor and team is even more important!

Dr. Barusco’s success stories

As mentioned earlier, two of Dr. Barusco’s celebrity patients – Jimmy Hart and Humberto Martins – achieved the career revitalization they’d hoped for with thick, full hair. Hart began getting compliments on his ageless appearance – a tale he relates in his inimitable style in his testimonial video for Dr. Barusco. And Martins was again winning younger roles.

Will a hair transplant make it easier for you to land your next job or get a promotion? Some psychologists say that the increased self-confidence helps create an aura of success that can translate into convincing a potential employer you’re the perfect fit – or a current employer that you’re the one to move up the ladder. And if you believe employers expect to see a youthful, vital candidate and that’s what you are, you’ll have a valuable competitive edge!

You are invited to learn more about the innovative surgical and non-surgical hair restoration procedures that Dr. Barusco offers at Tempus Hair Restoration – as well as schedule a free consultation to learn your options. If you are unable to visit one of Tempus’ 16 Florida locations in person, you may consult with Dr. Barusco via teleconference. For your convenience, consultations are offered in English, Spanish and Portuguese.


What to Look for in a Hair Transplant Surgeon

You may be surprised to learn that the field of surgical hair restoration is not regulated by either the United States government or the medical community. According to the American Hair Loss Association, any licensed physician can legally perform hair transplant surgery without any prior surgical training or accreditation of any kind. While this is true for any medical specialty (theoretically, any licensed physician may do any medical procedure they want), you won’t see a physician trained in plastic surgery performing a hernia operation. They reason why is that most physicians know their limitations and train extensively before they feel that they are proficient in a given procedure.

However, hair transplantation is pitched to physicians by device manufacturers in the United States and abroad as a simple procedure that does not need to be performed by a physician. Instead, it may be done by trained “technicians.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Hair transplantation is a complex procedure that requires a trained physician and a trained team in order to be successful. Otherwise, horror stories occur. And these have become more common in the last few years.

Under these circumstances, the typical advice of “do your research” is all the more important and challenging for those considering a hair transplant. Even minimally invasive hair restoration procedures are actually surgery requiring medical expertise. Unlike buying a car, most people don’t have experience when deciding who to trust with performing hair transplant surgery. Because we at Tempus Hair Restoration recognize that knowledge is power, a well-informed consumer is one who will ultimately be the best-satisfied with the results. Toward this goal, we offer the qualities to look for, as well as warning signs of who to avoid.

The first area to navigate is finding reliable sources of information. As WebMD acknowledges, “Social media, radio, television, and traditional print media market to the vulnerable hair loss consumer a more risk-free, guaranteed product as opposed to the highly specialized cosmetic surgical procedure it is.” With today’s emphasis on convenience and instant gratification, such pitches have great appeal to people who want a full head of hair in the least amount of time and at the cheapest price. Patients have been lured into going out of the U.S. to have their procedures done. Any marketing that makes it seem everyone will get the same results – despite the required disclaimer that results are not typical – does not have education as its goal.

One excellent starting point is the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) – a global non-profit medical association and the leading authority on hair loss treatment and restoration. With more than 1,000 members throughout 70 countries, the ISHRS is dedicated to promoting the highest standards of medical practice, medical ethics and research in the medical hair restoration industry.

Dr. Marco Barusco – Founder and Chief Medical Officer of Tempus Hair Restoration – is a Fellow of the ISHRS. This is a distinction that is only given to those who achieve certain landmarks on teaching and leadership. Currently, fewer than 10% of the ISHRS members are Fellows. In addition, Dr. Barusco is an active leader in the ISHRS, with various committees participations, lectures ministered and surgeries performed in the ISHRS’ workshops and congresses.

The ISHRS website is written in consumer-friendly language, easily accessible to those seeking objective information. A section specifically for patients consists of the following:

So, whose advice should you trust in finding a hair transplant surgeon?

You may be surprised to learn that the American Hair Loss Association recommends avoiding referrals for a hair restoration surgeon from your dermatologist or family practitioner.

“While your family doctor or dermatologist might mean well, the fact is that most physicians in this country know very little about the scope and pitfalls of this demanding cosmetic procedure. Unless your doctor has personal experience with the hair transplant physician he [or she] is recommending, our advice would be to say thanks, but no thanks.”

This is good advice. If you ask your dermatologist or primary care doctor for a referral to a hair transplant surgeon, make sure you ask if they know the work of the doctor they are recommending. This is very important. Dr. Barusco receives numerous patients who have been referred by other physicians of many specialties. Many of these doctors are actual patients of Dr. Barusco, so they know first-hand the quality of his work.

Finding a surgeon

Again, choosing a hair transplant surgeon based solely upon the amount of advertising the doctor or practice does is no guarantee of good results. The ISHRS provides a Find a Doctor list, which is maintained and updated with the name, location, contact information and link to the ISHRS member page of each member.

In conducting research on individual surgeons, the ISHRS recommends learning about the surgeon’s training, credentials and experience in the field of hair restoration. This is important, as a plastic surgeon may perform great liposuctions and facelifts and be an authority on these procedures, but no experience in hair restoration surgery. Be certain the surgeon will give you the names and contact information of patients you can talk to, as well as show you several before-and-after photos to ensure you like the aesthetic quality of their work.

Questions you should ask a hair restoration surgeon

Our July 8, 2019 blog post – “Undoing the Damage of a Bad Hair Transplant” – includes the following questions:

  • Who will evaluate my hair loss and recommend a course of treatment? What is their education, training, licensure, and experience in treating hair loss? Only physicians, Physician’s Assistants and Nurse Practitioners are legally allowed to diagnose a patient and to recommend medical treatments. Otherwise, the person recommending procedures and/or treatments is practicing medicine without a license, a Felony crime in Florida and many states.
  • Who will be involved in performing my surgery, what role will they play, and what is their education, training, licensure, and experience performing hair restoration surgery?
  • Will anyone not allowed by the State Medical Board be making incisions or harvesting grafts during my surgery? If so, please identify this person, explain their specific role and why they are legally permitted to perform it.
  • Is everyone involved in my surgery covered by malpractice insurance?

Once you are at the consultation, make sure all of your questions are answered to your satisfaction and demand to see a physician. If the surgeon who would be performing the procedure isn’t in the office at the time of your consultation appointment, leave. At Tempus Hair Restoration, every prospective patient meets with Dr. Barusco – whether the consultation is in-office, or by video conference. The consultation is the time during which you should make sure you have a clear understanding of what can be accomplished for your unique situation.

The in-office consultation is also the time when you should take note of how the office is run. Is the office staff helpful, considerate and willing to answer questions about billing, insurance, etc.? Is the office or clinic neat and clean?

One very important point we always emphasize is that you should never feel pressured to make a decision before you’re ready. Ethical practices do not use high-pressure tactics to have you sign a contract. You should feel comfortable taking all the time you need.

What to avoid

As we noted earlier, mass-market hair clinics that advertise heavily can mislead those unfamiliar with ethical practices and safe surgical procedures. In particular, the widespread use of robotic and power-assisted devices places patients at risk of disastrous outcomes – especially when they’re used by technicians to perform procedures. As the ISHRS website notes:

“Only a doctor has been trained to maintain high patient safety standards, care for unexpected medical problems, has medical board oversight, and has taken an actual oath to keep your best interest in mind while you’re in his or her care. If your doctor allows technicians to do surgery for them, they are neglecting their oath, and you should shop elsewhere!”

We also invite you to read Dr. Barusco’s insightful post about the risks of robot-assisted hair transplant surgery. Dr. Barusco relates his experience with an ever-increasing number of patients seeking help whose initial procedure was botched – sometimes irreversibly – by unqualified personnel using such devices.

“Over the years, it would be fair to say that I’ve developed a unique perspective on these machines. I closely follow their development and release in our industry. First, they were aimed to experienced, competent hair restoration surgeons. Then, since many of us did not see the advantages of having them, the number of machines sold was too small to sustain business and profit, and they started advertising to cosmetic surgeons, plastic surgeons, family practitioners and others who had no training and no experience in hair restoration surgery. These doctors are pitched a quick-profit procedure that they really do not have to understand, since one company supplies the technicians to do all of the work, and the other will train them on how to operate the robot and its software—as if this did not require good cosmetic sense and a deep understanding of hair loss and hair restoration. The result? Many unhappy patients.”

The next step of your hair restoration journey

Many people – especially men – typically don’t want to talk about the emotional toll that hair loss takes. Yet this is an important factor in choosing a hair restoration surgeon. Combined with a lack of solid, objective information, making a quick decision based upon emotions can leave you vulnerable to results ranging from unsatisfactory to disastrous.

Ultimately, choose your surgeon based on experience, results and integrity. Dr. Barusco’s long list of accomplishments, his notable artistic ability and his successful surgical team make Tempus Hair Restoration a renowned practice.

Dr. Barusco also conducts virtual consultations for those who can’t travel to one of our 16 Florida locations, and our office will arrange travel and accommodations for out-of-area patients for their procedures. We invite you to learn more about our procedures, then contact us to schedule your free consultation with Dr. Barusco. We look forward to meeting you and discussing your options.


A Fascinating Look at Eyebrow Transplants

In 2018, actress Meagan Good went public about her eyebrow transplant, sparking mainstream interest in this increasingly popular hair restoration procedure. Much as with scalp hair transplants, surgery to restore eyebrows to a full, youthful appearance has been discretely sought over the years. Today’s more open attitude is encouraging women to explore this permanent, aesthetically pleasing solution to the ongoing frustration of dealing with sparse brows. Here’s what you need to know about eyebrow transplants to make the right decision.

Why do eyebrows thin?

Eyebrows thin for a number of reasons. Among women, overplucking is a leading cause. The trauma inflicted on hair follicles during tweezing – as well as waxing and threading – can lead to permanent damage of the hair follicles, causing them to die out. The effect can show up as thinning areas, bald spots and loss of the “tail” of the brow. While the thick “Instagram brow” is now popular, pencil-thin brows were the trend during the ‘90s – resulting in women who followed suit then unable to grow their brows back now.

Coinciding with the overzealous eyebrow grooming practices prevalent when Christina Aguilera was topping the charts are the hormone changes that come with age – with the same factors that sometimes cause female pattern hair loss in the scalp contributing to thinning brows. Aside from hormonal changes, even the aging of hair follicles themselves can lead to scalp and eyebrow hair looking thinner and more sparse.

Thinning brows are also a common side effect of other conditions, such as atopic dermatitis – better known as eczema – due to inflammation and itching around the brow area. A dermatologist can recommend medications and topical treatments to help. Low thyroid hormone levels, also extremely common in women, are a common cause of the loss of eyebrows, particularly their “tails.”

Other common causes include chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy treatment; scarring or skin trauma; or trichotillomania – a self-harming behavioral trait that involves tugging or pulling at the hairs in the brow.

The problems with tattoos and microblading for sparse brows

As covered in our April 25, 2018 blog post – “No More Pencils – Your Guide to Eyebrow Transplants” – so-called “permanent makeup” tattoos intended to achieve the effect of natural brows have notable drawbacks. They do not convincingly replicate the look of individual brow hairs, and eventually fade, creating a blotchy, even more artificial appearance.

The recent surge in popularity for microblading positions this procedure as a desirable semi-permanent solution. Microblading is a cosmetic tattooing procedure that fills in thin eyebrow areas to make them look fuller. The process uses a hand-held device containing small needles. The esthetician uses short strokes to apply a pigment intended to replicate the appearance of brow hairs. Unlike a traditional tattoo, the pigment lasts from one to two years, with a touch-up needed a few weeks after the initial procedure.

However, there are risks. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate the color additive substance of the pigments used in microblading. Poorly trained estheticians, improper sanitation procedures and unsterile tools leading to infection – including HIV and hepatitis B and C – are other serious pitfalls. Photos of botched results are easily found online, ranging from unflattering, uneven shapes and faded tinting to scarring and infection.

When done incorrectly, microblading cannot be easily concealed, and the client will likely have to pay additional costs to manage complications and correct the procedure as best as possible.

The benefits of eyebrow transplants

Foremost, surgical eyebrow restoration has the benefit of being a permanent solution. Instead of just attempting the illusion of natural brows, they’re real, using your own hair. It is an in-office procedure performed under local anesthesia, after which the patient can resume normal activities. Keep in mind that post-surgical care instructions regarding the donor and recipient sites must be carefully followed to prevent complications and attain the best possible result.

Tempus Hair Restoration – our eyebrow transplant process

Though eyebrow transplantation is not a new procedure, not every hair restoration practice has the experience to perform at the necessary high aesthetic level to achieve a pleasing, natural-looking brow line and fullness. In fact, many experienced hair transplant doctors do not offer eyebrow procedures to their patients, due to its technical complexities and the fact that patients usually have very specific goals for the look of their eyebrows. Dr. Marco Barusco – founder and Chief Medical Officer of Tempus Hair Restoration – is a board-certified surgeon who is internationally recognized as a leader in hair restoration. Dr. Barusco himself conducts every consultation (which is always free) with each patient to study their hair loss, and discuss the patient’s treatment goals and options.

For those seeking a full restoration of both brows, Dr. Barusco works with the patient to recreate the brows in a natural contour, outlining the eyebrow area to complement the individual’s facial characteristics.

Once the desired shape, width and thickness of the brows have been discussed – marked by Dr. Barusco and approved by the patient – the surgical procedure itself is very comfortable for the patient. After the patient receives local anesthesia, the donor hair graft is harvested from the scalp, with preference for the temporal areas, where the hair quality is more compatible to eyebrow hair (finer, more delicate hairs). Grafts are carefully selected to achieve the appearance of natural eyebrow hair once transplanted. The individual follicular units are then extracted and treated to ensure they remain healthy and viable when inserted at the recipient site.

Dr. Barusco’s technical skill and artistic eye places each hair in keeping with the angle and direction of natural growth – a critical factor for the natural look of any hair transplanted, particularly the eyebrows. As a Fellow of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and Fellow of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (AACS), his experience and credentials are unmatched in making Dr. Barusco uniquely qualified to perform eyebrow restorative surgery. Not to mention that he has been a Diplomate of the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery since 2001 and served as its President in 2017.

Depending upon the individual, both the donor and recipient areas will take up to seven days to heal. The brow hairs will shed after about two weeks. A growth cycle will become established over the next three to six months, during which the new eyebrows will grow out. Because they grow longer than natural eyebrows, they’ll need to be trimmed about once a week or more often, depending on the patient.

Other situations appropriate for the effects an eyebrow transplant can achieve

Eyebrow transplants offer a solution for those who want to conceal scarring in the brow area, as well as transgender individuals seeking fuller brows for a more masculine appearance.

Whatever one’s reason for considering an eyebrow transplant, the ultimate goal is to achieve a balanced appearance and enjoy the self-confidence that comes with the ability to live according to the image or identity you want to present to the world. Whether that self-image is youthful, healthy or whole, brow restoration can help you put your best face forward.

Choose your surgeon wisely

If you’ve decided to take this step, perform your due diligence. Research the qualifications and experience of those you contact for a consultation. Again, the precision necessary to achieve the best possible aesthetic results depends upon the experience and skill of the surgeon – who should be performing the procedure, never an assistant or technician. The disclaimer “under the medical direction of” that many clinics use should be a red flag that someone other than a surgeon will be performing this exacting procedure. There are certain parts of the procedure that are considered by many State Medical Boards as “non-delegable” and their delegation to non-licensed professionals is considered a Felony crime in many states.

Speaking of Christina Aguilera, recent photos show her with a fuller pair of eyebrows. Did she, or didn’t she? The pop star doesn’t have to go public as Good did with her eyebrow transplant, if that were the case. It’s just a matter of personal choice. And if you choose to pursue an eyebrow transplant, be sure to find the best, most qualified surgeon who can achieve the trouble-free, permanent results you want for a natural appearance.

Contact us to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Barusco at one of our 15 Florida locations, or anywhere in the world via video conference. We look forward to meeting you.




Patients from MD Anderson Cancer Center and the Mayo Clinic

At Tempus Hair Restoration, our expertise in treating patients with traumatic hair loss and hair loss caused by cancer is being recognized by some of the major medical institutions in the United States. This past month we treated two patients who had radiation treatment to their scalps for brain tumors. These patients found Dr. Barusco from referrals from MD Anderson Cancer Center and the Mayo Clinic. “I am proud of my team for the excellent work that they do and for being recognized internationally by some of the leading medical institutions in the country. We are making a difference, one hair at a time,” stated Dr. Marco Barusco.

If you’ve had head trauma, you need advanced care and attention. Patients with special circumstances come from all over the world to Tempus Hair Restoration.

Why Trust Dr. Barusco to Treat Hair Loss from Trauma

Dr. Barusco is not just a hair restoration specialist; he is a board certified surgeon. With a strong background in performing complicated procedures that hide scars and other injuries, Dr. Barusco understands the impact trauma creates and applies the utmost caution and care to your treatment.

Dr. Barusco is also a Diplomate of the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery, so he stays up to date with the latest industry news and breakthroughs that could influence treatment for hair loss due to head trauma. That is why other hair transplant doctors and medical institutions refer patients to him!

Things to Keep In Mind

If you or a loved one is experiencing hair loss after trauma to your head, be sure to do your research. Don’t trust just any hair restoration clinic. Make sure there is a surgeon performing the procedure. Often other practices use non-medically trained technicians to perform the procedures. You don’t want that! You need a medical professional’s expertise to avoid any potential harm to sensitive areas that may still be healing. You also need a surgeon who understands your delicate needs. Many times Dr. Barusco will request additional testing to be sure you’re body is ready for the procedure.

So many patients with special needs place their trust in Tempus Hair Restoration because Dr. Barusco personally performs every procedure himself. He gives you his undivided attention and does not treat multiple patients at a time. He is supported by a surgical team that has been working together for over 12 years, so you get the care of professionals who have treated many patients with similar needs. We are also the only practice in Florida to offer consultations in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

So if you have experienced trauma to your head and are looking around for hair restoration, look into scheduling a free consultation with Dr. Barusco with Tempus Hair Restoration. You’ll be glad you did your research and put your head in Dr. B’s hands!

Surgical Hair Restoration Solution Information–Come to Our Seminar!

Looking for a surgical hair restoration solution? Our team at Tempus Hair Restoration is getting ready for our seminar this week.

If you have thinning hair…

If you know a teenager who is starting to
see signs of hair loss…

If you or a loved one is concerned about hair loss in women or male pattern baldness…

If you weren’t a candidate for surgery…

If you have experienced Dr. Barusco’s treatments for yourself and want your friends to know more about surgical hair restoration options…


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