Florida’s Only No-Shave Hair Transplant
Dr. Marco Barusco, Founder and Medical Director of Tempus Hair Restoration, proudly offers patients his advanced No-Shave FUE method of hair transplantation.
Only Tempus Hair Restoration can restore thinning hair and fill in bald spots without as much downtime after the procedure. Normal FUE procedures require you to have your donor hair shaved for the procedure, so everyone knows you had treatment unless you take off an extended period of time to let the shaved patches regrow.
Dr. Barusco developed the innovative and groundbreaking No-Shave FUE procedure to eliminate this problem. It has become so popular that patients fly in from all over the world to take advantage of this innovative procedure.
The No-Shave method also allows Dr. Barusco to see, in real time, the effect of the harvesting being performed so he can avoid over harvesting in a particular area and creating an uneven, “thinned out” appearance. He can also select the strongest and best hairs to harvest.

After a year, you can’t tell that this FUE patient had treatment—even with short hair!
Glad that I came here, Dr. Barusco and his staff really took care of me.
— Keith Jung, Florida