Not Your Father’s FUT – How Advancements Have Refined This Classic Procedure
Author: Tempus Hair Restoration
The follicular unit transplantation (FUT) or “strip” method of hair transplantation tends to be considered antiquated by many who are considering hair restoration surgery. Consumer preference for the follicular unit excision (FUE) procedure has incr... Read More...
The Big Picture: Hair Replacement and Self-Confidence
Author: Tempus Hair Restoration
The topics of our Tempus Hair Restoration blog posts often cover specific hair transplant procedures or reasons why hair transplants are now increasingly popular. However, there is a fundamental reason that men have hair restoration surgery: to improve ... Read More...
Is Your Hair Transplant Surgeon Qualified? What You Need to Know!
Author: Tempus Hair Restoration
You may consider yourself a savvy consumer who arms yourself with as much knowledge as possible before making a major purchase. Unfortunately, however, many people seeking a hair transplant choose a clinic or practice based on its advertising. But slick... Read More...
Am I Losing My Hair? Warning Signs to Look For!
Author: Tempus Hair Restoration
Questions about hair loss can start when you notice more hair than usual in your hair brush or shower drain trap – or the “shedding” you’ve been attributing to a change in seasons continues and/or increases. Is it just your imagination, or reaso... Read More...
Why is Ethnicity an Important Consideration for a Hair Transplant?
Author: Tempus Hair Restoration
Performing a hair transplant that achieves the look of natural, healthy hair growth is – or should be – the goal of every hair restoration surgeon. Therefore, a skilled, experienced surgeon knows that there is no cookie-cutter, one-technique-fits-al... Read More...
Common Misconceptions About Hair Transplant Surgery
Author: Tempus Hair Restoration
If you are considering hair restoration surgery, you (hopefully) are conducting careful research. For this reason, we at Tempus Hair Restoration are glad that you’ve arrived here, and are reading this article. Dr. Marco Barusco – founder and Chief M... Read More...
Why Do Some Hair Transplants Fail?
Author: Tempus Hair Restoration
If you’ve heard about hair transplants that were unsuccessful and have concerns about how it could happen, your questions may make you hesitate to schedule a consultation with a hair restoration surgeon to learn your options. But examining the reasons... Read More...
Was 2021 a Very Good Year? Plan on Making 2022 Even Better by Getting Your Hair Back!
Author: Tempus Hair Restoration
As the world began to reopen in 2021, the plans that had to be postponed during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic were resumed. Yet even if 2021 was a good year for you, perhaps some goals still had to be put off – for example, a hair restoration pr... Read More...
There’s More to Movember than Mustaches – Your Guide to Facial Hair Transplants
Author: Tempus Hair Restoration
Society’s expectations of men have always been high. No matter what their challenges, men are expected to be strong and silently shoulder any burden. But this expectation – which men often internalize – can be deadly when they neglect their health... Read More...
Complications in Hair Transplant Procedures
Author: Tempus Hair Restoration
Every person who schedules a hair transplant procedure expects a successful outcome. However, just as with any other surgical procedure, it carries the potential for complications. We at Tempus Hair Restoration consider our blog an important means of ed... Read More...
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