Undoing the Damage of a Bad Hair Transplant

Category Archives: Hair Loss Procedures

Undoing the Damage of a Bad Hair Transplant

Undergoing a hair transplant is an important decision. But if you choose the wrong doctor, the outcome of a bad hair transplant can be far worse than disappointing – it can be disfiguring and virtually impossible to hide. Disastrous results may range from over-harvested donor areas to unnatural growth patterns. For those who anticipated a fuller head of hair and a more youthful appearance, a bad hair transplant can have a profoundly negative effect on one’s self-image and self-esteem.

While such a devastating experience may leave one reluctant to undergo a corrective procedure, Dr. Marco Barusco – founder and Chief Medical Officer of Tempus Hair Restoration – has proven it is possible, in many cases, to mitigate the damage of bad hair transplants and achieve the look the patient had originally anticipated. First, however, we should look at why some hair transplants go wrong – as our July 2018 blog post covers.

Unfortunately, the main reasons are not improving. Many hair restoration practices market themselves primarily as providing an aesthetic service, rather than performing surgical procedures and acknowledging the serious responsibilities and risks involved. Unethical practices take advantage of their prospective patients’ lack of knowledge to mislead them into accepting situations and conditions that should not be at all acceptable – such as allowing technicians (not a doctor) to harvest hairs from the donor area and to create the incisions that will receive the harvested hairs.

The consensus of the many international professional societies dedicated to hair restoration surgery, the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery and many State Medical Boards in the United States and abroad is that harvesting donor hair from a patient and creating incisions on the scalp to receive the harvested hairs are “non-delegable” phases of this complex procedure, and should only be done by a physician or adequately licensed professional.

The International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) – of which Dr. Barusco is a committee member – is concerned about the growing risk to patients of technicians performing substantial aspects of hair restoration surgery. 

The use of technicians to perform the aspects of hair restoration surgery that should only be performed by a properly trained and licensed physician, places patients at risk of misdiagnosis and mistreatment; failure to diagnose hair disorders and related systemic diseases; and performance of unnecessary or ill-advised surgery – all of which jeopardizes patient safety and outcomes.

An increasing number of hair restoration disasters are being reported by patients whose Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) procedure was botched by technicians using robotic surgery and other devices, the most widely known being the Neograft and the SmartGraft devices. The manufacturers of these devices recruit doctors with little to no experience in hair transplantation and sell them a machine that they don’t have to learn how to use – your entire procedure at these practices will be performed by technicians sent by the company. 

Dr. Barusco has written an informative, insightful article about the widespread misuse of robotic technology in hair transplants. He relates his own experience in correcting the damage done to patients who had placed their trust (and money) in doctors who depend on these machines to perform the delicate procedures that only a highly skilled surgeon can.

Regardless of who you select to perform your hair restoration surgery (initial or corrective), taking a few minutes to read Dr. Barusco’s account will make you a better informed patient.

A key member of Dr. Barusco’s team is Jessica Aivazis, Patient Education Liaison. She has met at length with those seeking corrective treatment, and relates the experiences they’ve shared with her, as well as her own observations.

“Unfortunately, skill and technique are not uniform in this field, and we have seen many clients who have suffered poor results coming to Dr. Barusco for a solution. Unnatural results in the hair line and poor hair placement, and overharvesting of the donor site are the most common. We have even seen clients looking for assistance with infections they have developed at other offices.

“Each case is different, but Dr. Barusco makes it a point to meet with every client and attempt to assist them in gaining the results they originally expected. Due to his many years of experience and expertise, Dr. Barusco can provide a treatment plan most of the time. But it is heartbreaking when the situation is so bad that we cannot offer any help.”


Ms. Aivazis addresses the following questions regarding bad hair transplants.

Is there any type of badly performed procedure that’s particularly common?

“Due to the popularity of the Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) procedure, we have seen many patients who have suffered from overharvesting and detrimental scarring to their donor area. While this procedure is excellent – as it offers the patient the opportunity to have different hair styles – it must be done by a physician with experience and skill, as it has a higher chance of complications when not performed correctly.”


Why did these patients initially choose the doctor who botched the procedure? Was their decision based solely on cost, or were they uninformed, or both?

“Many times, cost was a driving factor for the clients who have had ‘botched’ results. During the consultation, we educate clients that skill and experience in hair transplantation and hair loss diagnosis should be the driving factors in choosing a physician. Here at Tempus, we offer many different financing options to make this an affordable decision, thus eliminating cost as a factor.”


Did anyone mention to you that they had some misgivings about their original doctor before and/or after the procedure? Was there a point at which they knew something was seriously wrong?
“Yes, many times clients feel in their gut that something isn’t right during the consultation, i.e. even before the procedure is done. There are many cases where clients don’t even meet their physician until the day of the procedure, or they don’t see the physician at all and notice that the technicians are performing the entire procedure themselves.”


I imagine that it is much more difficult to correct another doctor’s bad work than it is to start fresh, so to speak. How does Dr. Barusco plan corrective surgery in such cases, knowing that each situation is unique?

 Hair Transplant Dr Mauro Barusco

“Dr. Barusco meets with every client during the consultation, which I believe is pivotal in deciding the best treatment plan for the client. Once he develops the treatment plan, it is discussed with the client in length prior to scheduling. On the day of the procedure, Dr. Barusco takes as much time as needed to make sure that the patient understands and agrees with the treatment plan before proceeding. I have seen Dr. Barusco cancel procedures in the morning they were going to take place, because he did not feel that the patient was ready and/or had a good understanding of both the short- and long-term implications of his or her decisions. This gives a hands-on approach in tackling every client’s unique case.”


What kind of credentials should a surgeon who does corrective work have?

“The surgeon should have experience in hair restoration, and it should be their specialty. Add to that a background in surgery, good cosmetic sense and a team that has been with the physician for years, and you have a great combination.”


Can you provide examples of patients (anonymously, of course) who saw a major improvement after Dr. Barusco corrected their bad transplant?

“I know many clients who have seen major improvements by Dr. Barusco’s hands. However, the two that stand out to me are the following.

“A gentleman had a couple of procedures done by a doctor via FUT (or strip method). Typically when an FUT procedure is done and a client comes in to have another procedure (whether it be for density purposes or to assist with further loss), the physician will utilize the same scar line on the client so they do not have multiple scars. However, this was not the case for this gentleman, who was left with multiple unsightly scars on the back of his head.

“Dr. Barusco was able to assist the client with scar revisions and hair into the scar area in order to limit the client to one scar. Unfortunately, his donor area was affected due to the multiple scarred areas, and the chance of having another procedure to add density is no longer there unless the patient undergoes hair clone therapy, which is under development.

“There is also a female client who comes to mind who had a procedure elsewhere and was left with an unnatural hair line that was extremely evident to all who looked at her. She had a hard time styling her hair, and the punches done were large and unsightly. Dr. Barusco was able to soften her hair line with one procedure to give her a more delicate, feminine look. Her hair is now better able to be attractively styled, and she has more confidence.”

What advice can you give people who are considering a hair transplant to ensure they get the best restoration procedure?

“The best advice I can give is to know your surgeon, do your research and ask questions. A well-informed client is important to ensure a decision like this can be made confidently.”

Patients should ask the following questions:

  •         Who will evaluate my hair loss and recommend a course of treatment? What is their education, training, licensure, and experience in treating hair loss? Only physicians, Physician’s Assistants and Nurse Practitioners are legally allowed to diagnose a patient and to recommend medical treatments. Otherwise, the person recommending procedures and/or treatments is practicing medicine without a license, a Felony crime in Florida and many states.
  •         Who will be involved in performing my surgery, what role will they play, and what is their education, training, licensure, and experience performing hair restoration surgery?
  •         Will anyone not allowed by the State Medical Board be making incisions or harvesting grafts during my surgery? If so, please identify this person, explain their specific role and why they are legally permitted to perform it.
  •         Is everyone involved in my surgery covered by malpractice insurance?

Once you are at the consultation, make sure all of your questions are answered to your satisfaction and DEMAND TO SEE A PHYSICIAN. At Tempus Hair Restoration, every prospective patient meets with Dr. Barusco – whether the consultation is in-office, or by video conference.

Throughout the time a patient is under Dr. Barusco’s care, Ms. Aivazis guides each patient, educating them on the technique(s) that will be implemented during their treatment. She spends as much time as needed to ensure that patients understand what they can expect, as well as to provide instructions and explanations on post-surgery care. Besides, all patients have direct access to Dr. Barusco’s cell phone, so they have an open line of communication with him if needed.

Choose your surgeon carefully based on experience, results and integrity. Dr. Barusco’s long list of accomplishments, his notable artistic ability and his successful surgical team make Tempus Hair Restoration a renowned practice.

Dr. Barusco also conducts virtual consultations for those who can’t travel to one of our 14 Florida locations, and our office will arrange travel and accommodations for out-of-area patients. We invite you to learn more about our procedures, then contact us to schedule your free consultation with Dr. Barusco. We look forward to meeting you and discussing your options.

Celebrities and Hair Loss – When Image Really Counts

From local celebrities to international superstars, image is everything. While a growing number of people pursue an “Instagram-ready” look for their “followers” of friends and family, celebrities are under greater pressure to maintain a youthful, vital appearance. For male celebrities experiencing hair loss, a hair transplant procedure can be what’s needed to keep their career active, and the confidence to stay on their “A” game.

Because successful men in the public eye typically seek the best, most qualified surgeon to achieve phenomenal results, Dr. Marco Barusco – Founder and Chief Medical Officer at Tempus Hair Restoration – has had the honor of treating many leading actors, entertainers and professional athletes. While most choose to not confirm or discuss their procedure – wishing to maintain the illusion of eternal youth – others are glad to speak out about what led them to undergo a hair transplant.

Dr. Barusco and Jimmy Hart

One of Dr. Barusco’s patients who is well-known for speaking out is Jimmy “The Mouth of the South” Hart.

His career began in the 1960s with a rock band called The Gentrys, whose biggest hit was “Keep on Dancing.” After The Gentrys disbanded, Hart found superstardom as a professional wrestler in the World Wrestling Federation and World Championship Wrestling. Now a manager of professional wrestlers, Hart continues his passion for music and showmanship.

In his testimonial video for Dr. Barusco, Hart enthusiastically relates his hair transplant journey.

Hart’s hair loss involved his hairline, crown and back of the head. Although always keeping an upbeat attitude in public, he was increasingly unhappy with the changes, and believed his fans noticed the difference, as well.

“I know I could tell when I would do the shows … where people go, ‘Hey, Jimmy, how you doing,’ but nobody really came up to me and said, ‘Oh my gosh, you look so young!’”

That changed after meeting Dr. Barusco and undergoing a hair transplant procedure Hart described as painless and easy, allowing him to return to his busy schedule the following day.

Dr. Barusco describes the procedure he recommended for Hart:

“Jimmy had a couple of FUT (or strip) procedures, with the goal of filling in his hairline, mid scalp and crown. Due to the characteristics of his donor hair (caliber, density, etc.), I felt that the FUT procedure would provide him with the best result, combined with medical treatments to strengthen and preserve his native hair. He has done very well, and the small scar on the back of his scalp is not noticeable at all.”

Hart’s fans now tell him how young he looks – which speaks volumes about the successful result Dr. Barusco achieved. On a trip to Los Angeles, he said,

“Everybody asked me the same thing: ‘Jimmy, you look younger and younger! What’s the secret?’ I said, it’s the hair, baby!”

Dr. Barusco and Raven

Another of Dr. Barusco’s patients from the professional wrestling world, Raven, experienced hair loss in a more dramatic way – in the ring. The legend of ECW, WCW, WWF and TNA wrestling tells the story behind his decision to undergo a hair transplant in two testimonial videos for Tempus Hair Restoration – one pre-surgery; the other, the following day.



Raven’s larger-than-life persona owed a great deal to his luxurious mane of hair. One fateful match required the loser to have his head shaved immediately after – in the ring, before a house full of fans. Unfortunately, Raven was not the victor that night, and the person in charge of shaving used a sheep sheer turned upside down, slicing through Raven’s scalp with every pass. Blood ran down Raven’s face, which brought cheers from the crowd, who probably thought it part of the show. After the wounds healed, Raven’s hair failed to regrow properly, thinning in the center.

Quoth Raven: “I always thought I would just go bald, but after seeing my head bald, it’s not a good look for me. It was either go thin, or get a hair replacement. My ego prevailed. I never thought I would have an ego about this – that when it came time to go bald, I would just go bald gracefully. But apparently, I have more ego than I thought.”


Dr. Barusco recommended a procedure that would give Raven the desired fullness: “For Raven we also opted for the FUT procedure. He normally wears his hair long on the back, and for him having a small linear scar on the back of his head is not a big deal. We also recommended a plan so that his hair loss will slow down.”

The day after undergoing surgery, Raven spoke about the ease of the procedure and minimal sensation at the surgical sites. Today, he’s no longer balding, and back to bringing on the intimidation!

Dr. Barusco and Humberto Martins

Dr. Barusco’s famous patients aren’t all professional wrestlers, however. He tells of renowned Brazilian actor Humberto Martins, whose long career includes numerous movie and TV roles. As hair loss creates the appearance of age, this dashing leading man was being offered more and more roles of older characters. He decided to start treatment with Dr. Barusco in 2016 to win younger roles again.

Said Dr. Barusco: “For Humberto we used a combination of various strategies to rejuvenate and preserve his existing hair, which achieved the results he expected: subtle changes in his hair density, which has helped him with his career.

“However, whether a patient is a celebrity or not, everyone is a VIP for us and we use every treatment and technique at our disposal to provide patients with accurate diagnosis and the latest treatment modalities, including medications and/or surgery, when appropriate.”

Dr. Barusco and his staff treat one patient at a time, giving each the focused attention they deserve for a safe, comfortable procedure and the best possible outcome.

You are invited to learn more about the innovative surgical and non-surgical hair restoration procedures that Dr. Barusco offers at Tempus Hair Restoration – as well as schedule a free consultation to learn your options. If you are unable to visit one of Tempus’ 14 Florida locations in person, you may consult with Dr. Barusco via teleconference. For your convenience, consultations are offered in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

As fitting, we’ll let The Mouth of the South have the last words about the benefits of a hair transplant by Dr. Barusco – regardless the degree of your fame.

“Through the years, we all get a little bit older, and we all want to look a little bit younger … If you feel good, that’s what it’s all about!”

Advanced Treatments for Non-Pattern Hair Loss

Non-patterned Hair Loss – Causes and Treatments

The stages of hair loss typically follow one of several common patterns – from a receding hairline to the classical horseshoe to the central bald spot. While genetics is the leading cause of male pattern baldness, some types of hair loss occur outside of this category. Hair falling out in patches or during a relatively short time period can have a number of causes, making non-patterned hair loss challenging to treat, as well as frustrating and troubling to those suffering from it. Learning to identify the various characteristics of non-patterned loss can lead to a quicker diagnosis and effective treatment.

As cited by WebMD, heredity accounts for 95 percent of all the cases of alopecia (baldness) in the United States. The remaining five percent can be due to a number of factors, including:

Diet – Unusually high levels of vitamin A or low levels of iron or protein. Iron is essential for the production of hair protein.

Illness – Thyroid disease, severe infection or flu.

Medications – Drugs used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure), heart problems, depression or gout; birth control pills.

Hormonal imbalances – Changes in female hormone levels during pregnancy or menopause. Also, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that can cause hair loss by increasing levels of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Stress – One of the most common causes of non-patterned hair loss, stress can trigger production of higher androgen levels. Androgens can attack the hair growth cycle and shorten it, which can cause hair loss.

Recognizing Alopecia Areata

Often mistaken as stress-related hair loss, alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder that causes the immune system to attack hair follicles. According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), alopecia areata can cause different types of hair loss: alopecia areata (hair loss in patches), alopecia totalis (total hair loss on the scalp) and alopecia universalis (hair loss on the entire body).

The AAD notes that alopecia areata in all of its variations is not due to nerves, and most often occurs in otherwise healthy people. Hair typically grows back, but can fall out again.

The National Alopecia Areata Foundation (NAAF) is a resource for those living with this condition. The NAAF states that although there are currently no treatments that work for everyone, some are effective for some people, depending on which type of alopecia areata is involved, the patient’s age and the extent of hair loss.

The main goals of treatment are to block the immune system’s attack and/or to stimulate hair regrowth. According to the NAAF, this can be effective, especially for those with less than 50 percent hair loss. For those with greater than 50 percent loss, oral and topical medications are available, as well as phototherapy (light treatments).

Recognizing Traction Alopecia

Traction alopecia is a type of hair loss that occurs over time. It is caused by putting the hair under constant strain or tension, and usually results from wearing hair in very tight ponytails, pigtails, tight braids or cornrows. As more hair falls out, sufferers tend to attempt to mask the issue through weaves and hair extensions – which sets up a vicious cycle that worsens the condition.

This was the case with J.D. – a patient of Dr. Marco Barusco who sought treatment for her traction alopecia, made worse by the weaves she used to create the appearance of a full head of hair. In her job as a pharmaceutical representative, presenting a polished, professional image is essential, which led J.D. to research hair restoration specialists before scheduling an appointment at Tempus Hair Restoration. After a successful treatment program, J.D. is now proud to let her natural hair represent her self-confidence to the world. And she is not wearing tight ponytails anymore.

Treatments For Non-Patterned Hair Loss

Unlike male and female pattern baldness, the cause of each individual case of non-patterned hair loss is different. A diagnosis by a licensed physician who has experience with hair loss needs to be made in order for a course of treatment to be planned. While you may suspect a cause, attempting to treat non-patterned hair loss without a diagnosis can make the condition worse – or at the very least, delay effective treatment and the desired outcome of healthy hair.

Dr. Barusco has over 20 years of experience treating all types of hair loss – including non-patterned. His professional credentials include: Diplomate and Past President (2017) of the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery; Assistant Professor of Surgery – University of Central Florida College of Medicine; Fellow of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and Fellow of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (AACS).

We offer the latest, most advanced treatments available for non-patterned hair loss. Our blog post, “Non-surgical Treatments for Hair Restoration,” discusses prescription medications and other treatments our practice utilizes, depending upon the individual patient’s case.

If you are suffering with non-patterned hair loss, schedule a free consultation with Dr. Barusco. Unlike many other hair restoration practices, Dr. Barusco conducts all consultations (both in-office and virtually) himself, and performs all procedures.

Should you be reading this article outside of the areas served by our 14 offices throughout Florida, we can make arrangements for a virtual consultation with Dr. Barusco. For your convenience, consultations are offered in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Dr. Barusco and our staff look forward to meeting you, and helping you get the right treatment for your type of hair loss.