Choosing the right doctor for any procedure is important, and you need to feel confident and comfortable in your choice of physician. From the first impression to the follow-up, creating a patient/doctor bond makes a world of difference. But what happens when language becomes a barrier between you and your doctor? At Tempus, we take every step possible to make sure that you are comfortable, informed, and completely understand your procedure—including staff members who are fluent in different languages.

First impressions matter.
We never get a second chance to make a first impression, and that matters to us. By choosing Tempus Hair Restoration, you’ll find that from your initial call you are treated like family, not only by Dr. Barusco, but by the entire team. Every time you phone, email, or visit us, you and your loved ones will feel the difference our environment creates.

At Tempus Hair Restoration, we speak your language.
There are 12 staff members at Tempus Hair Restoration. To better serve your needs, six of us speak Spanish, and three speak Portuguese. Dr. Barusco is fluent in English, Portuguese, and Spanish. We see patients from many nationalities in our offices every day, and many of them are able to communicate with us in their first language. For those interested in becoming a patient, this creates a comfort level not found in other practices.

We don’t just follow up. We keep in touch.
Once you’re a Tempus Hair Restoration patient, you are one of us—a member of our extended family. You’ll be given Dr. Barusco’s personal cell number so you’ll have direct access to the answers you need as you recover from your procedure. We will also keep in touch and check in with you from time to time in the months following your procedure. We know lives are changed in the aftermath, and as our practice continues to grow, we want to hear stories of your great results!

Author: Tempus Hair Restoration